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Stress Echo -Delhi

Home arrow Service arrow Pathology ECHO CARDIOGRAPHY arrow Stress Echo-Delhi
Stress Echo -Delhi

1. pt should not be on beta blockers for 24 hrs to 48 hrs unless specified by referring doctor to do the test on medication . 
2. refferring doctor prescription is necessary  
3.bring old ECG,  previous  ECHO angiograpgy report . 
4. Four hrs fasting  before the test . 
5. in male pt shave / trim the chest hair if long . 
6. bring your walking shoes for comfortable tread mill. 
7. pt should not be having chest pain at rest . 
8. pt should not be having anaemia Hb > 10 gm%, creatinine not to be > 2.5 mg %, preferably done within 24 hours. Potassium should be within normal range. 
9. BP should be < 140 / 90 mm
10. Oxygen saturation should be > 95 % . 
11. Please bring old records. 

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